To submit a contest for free, please fill the form in this page and include the following information in your submission:
- The name of the contest
- Any required or optional fields such as date of the giveaway, date it will end, contact email (optional), and any other details you feel are necessary to accurately describe your contest.
- Each contest can be associated with multiple keywords. To use the following keywords in your submission: “Giveaway,” “Contest,” “Sweepstakes,” “Freebie” and any other keyword that you feel would be beneficial to have in your description of your contest.
- When it comes to writing a description of your contest, do not focus on the prizes. Instead focus on the experience that users will have once they complete it. What are the steps that you ask them to take in order to be able to receive the giveaway prize? What will they be doing, how do they get the prize, and how do they feel after winning? This information is key when it comes to creating a description of your contest.
If you are interested in having your listing featured on our homepage, please send an email to [email protected]